Browsing: Trying to Manage Autoimmune Mediated Small Fiber Polyneuropathy

My Dreams Of Being A Nurse: Shattered

Dr. Thomas and His Nurse Practioner Patricia = Complex Care Team

I could tell that my life was forever altered before even leaving the hospital. After living there for five months the hospital had almost become my home. The Complex Care Team came into my room on the morning I was scheduled to be discharged. The Complex Care Team consisted of Dr. Thomas, the attending, and Patricia and Tanya, the nurse practitioners.

Tanya only worked on Patricia’s days off. They all specialized in taking care of patients with rare and complicated medical conditions.

Now, whenever I went to Massachusetts General Hospital they would be my head doctors. It didn’t matter what floor I was admitted to or when I was admitted, either. They would always be the doctors in charge of my care.

Even today they remain my attending hospital doctors whenever I am admitted to the hospital.

The End

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Another Three Months In Hospital Jail and Into the Unknown

Feeding through a J port is supposed to help people with gastroparesis get much-needed nutrition that they can’t get by eating orally or by getting fed through a G tube. A person with gastroparesis has a paralyzed stomach so a J tube which goes straight into the Jejunum skips over that paralyzed stomach and goes right into the middle of the small intestine is a way to give the person.

Now that I had the tube feeds and the IV fluids, I was feeling a lot better physically most of the time as I wasn’t actively starving to death, but I would still have breakthrough periods where the pain would get intense, or I’d get nauseous and start vomiting huge volumes of bile and/or tube feed.  The tube feed was going into my intestines through my J tube, which was supposed to prevent me from vomiting it up. Still, it … Find Out What Happens Next

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