


A podcast of Chapter Two of “Changing Destiny’s Destiny”.  “A Diagnosis and a Psych Unit”.

Bonnie and Destiny are on the way home from the bank, when a call from Dr. Sampson, Destiny’s GI doctor, about critically low electrolytes diverts them to St. Mary’s Pediatric ER.  The testing for a diagnosis to explain all of Destiny’s random symptoms begins after Destiny has an NJ feeding tube placed to prevent her from starving to death due to her gastroparesis and getting a PICC line inserted for hydration, frequent blood draws, and multiple medications.

Over two months later Destiny receives a diagnosis.  Her Syndrome XX has caused a very rare and lethal form of autonomic neuropathy with no cure.  Once her parents realize she has just received a diagnosis with no cure, the doctors lead them out into the hallway to further discuss while the social worker stays behind to play with Destiny who is oblivious to what kind of a diagnosis she has just received.

A couple of weeks later, Destiny has been medically stabilized besides needing the NJ tube for feedings, but the hospital believes she needs to be evaluated on the children’s psych unit before going home because of how many temper tantrums she throws that she can’t explain, and the way she has been found in deep conversation with empty chairs.  Being on a unit behind a set of double locked doors that not even her parents have the keys to, trips a wire in Destiny’s brain, and then all hell breaks loose.