

A podcast of Chapter Three of Changing Destiny’s Destiny, “Non-Suicidal Suicide Attempts”.

Once Destiny is completely off the Thorazine, sixth grade turns into a nightmare.  Most of the time, Destiny is completely sucked into The Bad Man’s World.  She has no conception of what the other kids are doing around her.  The schoolwork is so easy that she finishes it in two seconds which gives her way too much time to drift even further from reality.  It’s not that she’s depressed though, when the overdoses start they are not suicide attempts.  They would more accurately be called, “non-suicidal suicide attempts”,

Eventually, the school calls up her mom, Bonnie, and tells her that Destiny needs to be in a therapeutic school, she can’t function in a regular school environment.

Berlin Interventional Therapeutic School is amazing at first.  Destiny loves it. She has her very own therapist there, she can go to the Support Room to use the therapeutic swing, weighted blanket, or toys when she needs a break from class.  They let all the kids work at their own level, so Destiny has her own laptop and is doing college-level courses which keep her engaged, but then the commands of The Bad Man get out of control and they start telling her that she needs to do things like crush up her entire bottle of Paxil, mix it with water, and inject it through her NJ tube.   Again. Destiny has no desire to kill herself, she is more committing “non-suicidal suicide attempts”.

The problem is that Destiny overdoses through her NJ tube straight into the middle of her small intestines.  It can’t be reversed by pumping her stomach or drinking charcoal, because it goes in past there, so it is a very difficult thing to treat.  The Paxil is only the first in a chain of overdoses.  The Bad Man won’t leave her alone.

Then there’s The Incident.

To find out what The Incident, and what her outpatient therapist Joanne has to do with it, you will have to purchase this podcast.