Tag: Adlib

When You Handle More Than You Thought You Could

My friend Laura came to pick me up and bring me to the synagogue (Shul) every Saturday for the Jewish Sabbath services and every Jewish holiday. When she came to pick me up the day after I’d been promised by Tanya, the social worker at Hell-Crest Commons the nursing home I’d been living at for almost six-month and Jillian my main provider at the nursing home they would figure something out, I was far from settled.  I had been forced to take a break from calling places, and asking questions (because it was the weekend), but I was still busy making lists and doing more research, and worrying my brains out of my head.  It was like my brain was a washing machine set on the highest spin cycle and someone had put too much laundry soap in it so it was spraying bubbles everywhere.

I had plateaued in therapy … Find Out What Happens Next

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Jumping Through Loopholes to Save My Life

Tuesday morning a woman from a place called Adlib came up to my room to introduce herself to me and do an intake meeting.  She was a sweetheart. Her job was to figure out if I was appropriate to get support serviced from Adlib one of which would be getting into an Assisted Living called Side By Side. For the last six months, I had been living on the intensive medical/Ventilator floor of Hell-crest Commons, but now they were kicking me out because although I had made a whole ton of progress in PT and OT I had made about as much progress as was humanly possible for me in my condition and my progress had plateaued. I had spent over two weeks trying to figure out where I was going next, now that I was going to be discharged from the nursing home, as my parents were refusing to … Find Out What Happens Next

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