Tag: disabled

Sex: How to Lose Your Virginity at Age 26

Jeff’s Possible Death Sentence

I met Jeff at Side By Side Assisted Living and fell in love with him. After being best friends with him for 6 months we began dating. He decided to go so far as to convert to Judaism for me so that my family would accept him. At one point we thought he had a death sentence.

Jeff amd I lying in bed together at the hospital with him secretly touching me under the covers and making me want sex so bad exceot its a hospital and I'm an unmarried virgin

We had gone to his oncology appointment at UMass Memorial Medical Center with Dr. Swizzer. The doctor told him they had found a shadow on his liver. The shadow was possibly a recurrence of his liver cancer. They referred him to a more local GI doctor to take a better look at the scan. Dr. Xander’s job was to confirm whether or not it was cancer.

After Jeff’s oncology appointment he went to see his team coordinator for the liver transplant team. They explained that if Jeff had … Find Out What Happens Next


Disabled? I Don’t Think I’m Broken

who cares if you're disabled when it's your birthday party, opening birthday presents at my 19th birthday party

I’d had a rough ride through childhood and had spent it going in and out of hospitals due to gastroparesis, an inability to maintain a normal heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure issues, frequent passing out, hypovolemic shock, frequent infections, and dehydration. For much of my childhood, I’d been dependent on an NJ tube for feedings. I’d been followed by an adolescent medicine doctor, a gastroenterologist, a cardiologist, a psychiatrist, a therapist, an infectious disease doctor, and a nephrologist (kidney doctor). It was a couple of days before my one-month follow-up with Dr. Green, the nephrologist, but on July 2nd I was celebrating my nineteenth birthday and I was also celebrating my graduation from high school and the end of my first year at Holyoke Community College. My family and I were too busy to worry about how disabled I was, we were celebrating two major milestones in my life … Find Out What Happens Next

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