Tag: eating disorder

A Yo-Yo of a Blood Pressure

me getting blood pressure checked at kidney doctor

About four or five years after my heart problems had climaxed, my blood pressure took a surprising turn.

My whole life my blood pressure had run so low we worried about me tripping over it.  This had always been concerning to Dr. Oster and my other doctors because with such a high heart rate and such low blood pressure it was too easy for me to go into hypovolemic shock.  In fact, one of the reasons I was admitted to the hospital so frequently was due to hypovolemic shock. We referred to it as bottoming out.

When I bottomed out, I would turn bluish-gray, get really clammy, and if I caught it myself before it got too severe, I would call for my own ambulance from wherever I was.  It was the worst when I wasn’t home and was in an embarrassing place. An embarrassing place was pretty much anywhere … Find Out What Happens Next

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More Than an Eating Disorder: History of Sick

As a toddler, I spoke before I walked, but I walked right on time too.  I hit all my milestones early. My mom had a Master’s degree in early childhood education. She consulted at multiple daycare centers and nursery schools.  Some days she would bring me with her to work to show me off. I would ace all of the baby developmental screenings. The other teachers and educators would watch in awe. Back then there was no talk about me having an eating disorder.

Me in third grade right before they decided that I had an eating disorder

In third grade, I began my descent into chronic illness. My skin, hair, and mouth became extremely dry. I started getting frequent pounding headaches.

From kindergarten to the first part of fifth grade, I attended a private Jewish day school, where every day began with a morning prayer service.  The Orthodox Jewish Prayer service consists of multiple parts where you remain standing for prolonged periods of … Find Out What Happens Next