Tag: fluid and electrolyte issues

Another Three Months In Hospital Jail and Into the Unknown

Feeding through a J port is supposed to help people with gastroparesis get much-needed nutrition that they can’t get by eating orally or by getting fed through a G tube. A person with gastroparesis has a paralyzed stomach so a J tube which goes straight into the Jejunum skips over that paralyzed stomach and goes right into the middle of the small intestine is a way to give the person.

Now that I had the tube feeds and the IV fluids, I was feeling a lot better physically most of the time as I wasn’t actively starving to death, but I would still have breakthrough periods where the pain would get intense, or I’d get nauseous and start vomiting huge volumes of bile and/or tube feed.  The tube feed was going into my intestines through my J tube, which was supposed to prevent me from vomiting it up. Still, it … Find Out What Happens Next

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It’s Not Like its Neurosurgery…

in the middle of neurosurgery similar to the one I had to remove my pituitary tumor on my brain

As the holiday season was going into full swing and most people were worried about what presents they were going to get for their boyfriends or parents, I was busy worrying about my upcoming neurosurgery. Being sick and needing surgery was nothing new for me, but I had never had my brain operated on before.

At the age of ten, I’d been diagnosed with a chronic, degenerative form of gastroparesis, and as I got older it became evident that there was something further wrong with me as well, but no one knew exactly what. We certainly never had the idea that I had a brain tumor and would need neurosurgery to have it removed.

I spent my entire childhood, from 2001 to 2010 going in and out of hospitals for heart issues, blood pressure issues, hypovolemic shock, electrolyte issues, passing out, and complications from gastroparesis. When my blood pressure issues … Find Out What Happens Next