During a three month long hospital stay for a flare up of my autoimmune-mediated small fiber autonomic polyneuropathy I went downhill so fast that I couldn’t even sit up on my own, I could barely lift my head off the pillow some days, let alone bear weight and transfer into my wheelchair, I went in ambulance for an hour-long ride down to Hillcrest Commons the nursing home/rehab that I was supposedly going to for a few weeks or months for intense rehab, so that I would get enough strength to function outside of a hospital or nursing home environment.
Hillcrest Commons is located in Pittsfield which is in the Berkshires (part of Western Massachusetts) so it’s a very beautiful location. It’s right on the border of upstate New York and it’s near the Vermont border as well.

I tried to talk to the paramedic, that was sitting in the back … Find Out What Happens Next