Tag: weight loss

When Jenny Coded and They Couldn’t Save Her

About an hour earlier I had arrived at the only rehab/nursing home in the area that would take someone as medically fragile and medically complex as I am. The nursing home was called Hillcrest Commons, but I had started to call it Hell-crest Commons. From the moment I rolled in the door I knew I was in trouble, but when I med with the nurse practitioner that would be in charge of my case while I was there, her name was Jillian, I had full force alarm bells going off as loud as possible in my head. She basically told me that my disease wasn’t really as bad as I thought it was and that I didn’t need my tube feeding or my IV fluids. I knew this was wrong, I knew what the leading experts in the world on my disease had said about my treatment and I was … Find Out What Happens Next

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My Endless NJ Tube Series

The hospital room I stayed in when my NJ tube wasn't enough to keep my electrolytes in balance

If you wanted to look up the word sick in the dictionary, you would probably find a picture of me. Ever since I was eight years old and started struggling with muscle fatigue and appetite loss I have been on a downward trend in my health. By the time I was ten I had had my first NG tube. This was followed by my first surgery when the NG tube caused a bowel obstruction. Then I had to deal with an even thicker NG tube to suction. This was followed by my first NJ tube.

I spent a good chunk of fifth grade in the hospital, and went home from the hospital with the NJ tube still in place and a diagnosis of severe gastroparesis. The rest of my childhood was spent racking up frequent flier miles at my local children’s hospital. At age thirteen my heart rhythm disturbances took … Find Out What Happens Next

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