My Safety Net
My safety net was what my whole life manageable. My life was pretty much one big medical issue. Luckily I had two parents and two brothers to support me. My safety net was made up of two people, my mom, and my dad.
They didn’t always make the best decisions for me, in fact, sometimes their decisions messed things up for me really badly, but they loved me 100% unconditionally and always tried their hardest to make the best decisions for me.
It all started when I was eight and began dealing with muscle fatigue, then when I was ten I first got diagnosed with gastroparesis (a paralyzed stomach) and had to have emergency surgery to have 2.5 inches of dead bowel removed and then had to have an NJ tube placed.
My NJ Tube
An NJ tube is a tube that goes in through your nose … Find Out What Happens Next